Home > Blossary: Popular Butterflies
Butterflies are one of the most wonderful creations of mother nature. Throughout of the world, there are well over 20,000 butterfly species. This blossary lists some of the most popular ones from around the world.

Category: Animals

17 Terms

Created by: Olesia.lan

Number of Blossarys: 3

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Collected Terms

הפרפר הקיץ תכלת (Celestrina neglecta) הוא פרפר קטן, לילך-כחול עם התחתון חיוורת. יש מוטת כנפיים של 3/4 עד 1 1/8 אינץ ' (2-2.75 ס מ). העליון הוא תכלת עם אבקת נרחב קשקשים לבנים, במיוחד על hindwing. כמה ...

Domain: Animals; Category: Insects

孔雀蝴蝶,也被稱為 dagpauwoog,是歐亞大陸溫帶地區發現常見的蝴蝶。它是 Leptidopterae,其中包括蝴蝶和蛾類和家庭蛺蝶科秩序。孔雀蝴蝶有功能與藍紫色斑點黑 eyespots 的明亮橘紅色翅膀。他們之所以這樣命名為 eyespots,類似于一隻孔雀的尾巴。蝴蝶有翼展之間 2 1/4 和 2 1/2 英寸。女性孔雀蝴蝶是略大於男性。關於蝴蝶 eyespots ' s ...

Domain: Animals; Category: Insects

Papallona blava Morpho pertany a la família Nymphalidae Morpho gènere i espècie Menelau. És una espècie de papallona neotropical que té ales iridiscents blaus. Com la majoria dels insectes, les ...

Domain: Animals; Category: Insects

Borboleta de Ulisses (ulysses Papilio), também conhecida como o rabo de andorinha azul da montanha, o Imperador azul e o azul da montanha, é uma borboleta australiana espetacular. O macho é um ...

Domain: Animals; Category: Insects

The summer azure butterfly (Celestrina neglecta) is a small, lilac-blue butterfly with a paler underside. It has a wingspan of 3/4 to 1 1/8 inch (2-2.75 cm). Its upper surface is pale blue with an ...

Domain: Animals; Category: Insects

The peacock butterfly, also called dagpauwoog, is a common butterfly found in temperate Eurasian regions. It is of the order Leptidopterae, which includes butterflies and moths and the family ...

Domain: Animals; Category: Insects

The red admiral (Vanessa atalanta) is a common migratory butterfly found in marshy north temperate regions of Asia, Europe and North America. It's a medium-sized butterfly with a wingspan of ...

Domain: Animals; Category: Insects

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